Professional Learning

Educators are integral to Michigan's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) ecosystem. Expert teachers, conveying the excitement of STEM through interdisciplinary, hands-on inquiry, and problem solving, are our most precious resource. Our region has many outstanding STEM teachers pre-K through college, as well as outside of formal learning environments.
Professional Learning from the MiSTEM Network Collaboratives

The MiSTEM Collaboratives help promote and expand access to STEM opportunities throughout Michigan:
Professional Development Hubs at ISDs/RESAs in our Region
Allegan Area Educational Service Agency (AAESA)
Kent Intermediate School District (KISD)
Montcalm Area Intermediate School District (MAISD)
Muskegon Area Intermediate School District (MAISD)
Newaygo County Regional Education Service Agency (NCRESA)
Ottawa Area Intermediate School District (OAISD)
Other PD Providers in our Region
Van Andel Education Institute (VAEI)
Grand Valley State University Charter Schools Office (GVSUCSO)